Sexual Violence Prevention & Education
Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ takes the health and wellness of its students very seriously. To that end, and in compliance with Clery, Title IX, the Campus SaVE Act Initiatives, as well as NY State Education Law 129-B, Student Affairs maintains regular efforts to examine Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ’s policies, protocol, and programming as it relates to reducing sexual assault, dating abuse, and stalking, as well as substance abuse education. Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Title IX staff and other responsible persons participate in annual training, including Title IX training, provided by the .
The is the University's official policy and procedure statement of rights and responsibilities as a Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ student. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the handbook and to refer to it as needed for detailed statements of policy and procedure.
The University’s efforts do not operate in a vacuum – it partners with the following entities and professionals on campus: Campus Care Team, Campus Safety, Title IX Coordinator & student groups.
We are committed to reducing barriers for students to report sexual assault and violence. To that end, Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ has partnered with Capptivation to launch the Reach Out Editions App, an anonymous smartphone resource guide. The Reach Out Editions App is available for download in the and Stores.
- Student Version: With this comprehensive resource at their fingertips, students can gain information and resources for navigating the reporting process, seek support and connect with resources both on campus and in the community.
- Responsible Employees: In accordance with the Clery Act and Title IX, the Reach Out Editions App offers a Responsible Employees version for staff to be informed and report instances of sexual misconduct.
Students, faculty, staff and supporters are encouraged to review the Reach Out App Overview, Campus Sexual Assault Victims' Bill of Rights & FAQs and Brochure that include resources on reporting, Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ's amnesty policy, definition of affirmative consent and more. Business card pocket resources are also available upon request from the CHIP Center:
Each academic year, the aforementioned resources are distributed to key offices and locations on campus including posters on each floor of the residential buildings. Additionally, while training 300+ student leaders and athletes on bystander intervention during the Summer/Fall semester, participants receive the business card pocket resource.
Courses on Alcohol and Sexual Violence Prevention
- Required of all incoming students (first year, transfer & graduate students)
- Purpose: educate students on policies, acceptable behavior, and how to intervene
- Interactive training includes videos, scenarios and valuable content
- Failing to complete the courses will result in a $50 fine ($25 per courses)
Campus Climate & Culture
- Featured presentation during transfer and spring orientation and welcome back weekend
- Topics: Diversity, Bias/Discrimination and Sexual Violence Prevention
- Three D's of Bystander Intervention: Direct, Delegate, Distract
- Students complete pre- and post-tests to evaluate their knowledge, attitudes, and skills
- 2018-2019 Campus Climate Report
Bystander Intervention
- Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ trains student leaders and student athletes annually (300+ students)
- 90 minute interactive training sessions include activities, videos & content
- Outcomes: students will have the ability, skills, and confidence to identify problematic behavior, intervene effectively, and report ​concerns
Faculty & Staff Training ​
- Annual notices sent to faculty and staff about what to report and to whom
- Each year, additional training is provided to each academic department
- Review disclosures, answer questions and share resources
Counseling Services, The CHIP Center (Yurtchuk 117B-120)
- Professionally licensed mental health professionals respond to the needs of students in a compassionate, competent, and confidential manner
- Services offered: Individual counseling, mediation and consultation
- Confidential sessions: student privacy and trust is of utmost importance and is protected by state laws and professional ethical standards
- For more information, visit
Visit the Wildcat Wellness page for more information!
The University’s efforts do not operate in a vacuum – it partners with the , , Title IX Coordinator and student groups.
- A conduct review process that is fair, consistent, and expedient for both the complainant and respondent. The policies and procedures not only comply with the policies outlined by the federal and state governments but also with the best practices in the profession. Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ prides itself on balancing compassion with adjudication and education. Students can review the conduct review process in the .
- As part of that conduct review process, the University has created a simple handout to provide to students who may have experienced a sexual assault or harassment which outlines their rights as well as FAQs on what to expect in coming forward.
- Require completion of a web-based educational orientation, for all incoming students (including transfers and graduate programs) during the summer and early part of the fall term each year. This program addresses alcohol, drug, and sexual assault violence prevention.
- Bystander Intervention Training for all student leaders before classes begin each year. This training includes Athletes, Greek Leaders, Student Ambassadors, Resident Assistants, Tour Guides, Peer Mentors, and Orientation Leaders. Designed by Crisis Services of Buffalo, this 90-minute class teaches student leaders what to look out for and how to address and prevent something from happening.
- Education for Faculty and Staff, including Campus Security Authorities under the Clery Act and Responsible Persons under Title IX on how to report a crime. One part of that training for CSAs and Responsible Persons is an annual online presentation.
- Regular education and programming including: Red Flag Campaign, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, Passive Programming Campaigns, and more.
The is the University's official policy and procedure statement of your rights and responsibilities as a Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ student. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the contents of the handbook and to refer to it as needed for detailed statements of policy and procedure. For more information, please visit